Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More Traffic

Have you built a wonderful ecommerce site just to see it sit unvisited? Building your site is only half the battle – now you have to drive visitors your way. If you have already utilized SEO and created a social media presence, you may want to consider building a blog into the site. Many ecommerce sites don’t have blogs, and it’s too bad; these companion blogs can be a great way to boost traffic. If you are ready to build a blog for your ecommerce site, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Go For The Soft Sell

Your blog isn’t the place to endlessly expound upon the amazing things that your customers will find over at your ecommerce site. Of course, you should let your readers know when you are running a sale or special promotion (and don’t forget to promote it via social media, too!), but be careful of selling too hard. You want your blog to be a place that people go to for quality content, and no one wants to be sold to 24/7. Make valuable, engaging posts your first priority, and no one will mind the occasional plug for your store. However, feel free to link back to your product pages (within context) from your blog. Those backlinks are SEO gold.
Showcase Your Enthusiasm
The reason you got into business in the first place was because you had an interest in your product. Your blog is the perfect place to let that enthusiasm shine. Share stories about your product or experiences that you’ve had while working in the business. Pay attention to thought leaders in your marketplace, and feel free to link to their blogs or social media sites. For example, if you sell high quality golf balls, you can link to interesting stories in GolfDigest, or write up an opinion piece or two during the Masters Tournament reflecting on the game. The more excited you are about your field, the more excited your customers will be about your product. And who knows, you might even have a little bit of fun!
Create A Conversation
A valuable aspect of creating a blog for your business is that you have opened up an avenue for your customers to share their thoughts. It can be intimidating for a business to open itself up like this, but this access should be viewed as a great opportunity. After all, if there is a problem or a customer is unhappy, don’t you want to know why? Encourage feedback and participation, and then use those comments to grow your business.
Don’t let your ecommerce site go unvisited. Adding a blog can be a great choice on your road to business success.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stuff Happens… Now What Are You Going To Do About It?

Ok I’m focused and know where I’m going and now I’ve received an email
telling me that my friend Bob Mouncer has been called away to London as
a friend of his is seriously ill. Bob is proof reading my book, my dead
line for getting my book back was Mid-November. My first instinct was to
panic, my second was, there’s nothing that can be done about it, I’ll just
have to deal with it after all nothings set in concrete and the date for
the launch can be moved.

I’ve slept on it and have decided to start reproof reading, this means
learning the ebook software will have to wait. Stuff Happens.

What do you do when you’ve made up your mind to move forward on your
dreams, you start on your goals, and then calamity strikes? You have
to decide to keep your eyes on the prize and not on the problems.
Problems will come, in fact, they must come. That’s how we grow, however,
we must decide whether we will go through the problems or grow through
the problems. That decision will determine our actions. And our actions
will determine our results.

So when life gets in the way as it sometimes does and it knocks you down
and tries to knock you out, Just pick yourself up, Dust yourself down, and
now get moving again in the direction of your goals.

Fellow entrepreneur, we all have challenges on our journey towards our goal
for greater success, but please do not stop. Don’t give up. No matter what
don’t let anything wreck your success. Focus on the prize of achieving the
goal rather than the pain of the problem. In time, you will see your prizes
grow and your problems shrink. Most of all, you will grow yourself and
achieve success.

By the way I’ve had a second email from Bob, telling me he’d taken my
book with him to London and that he thinks we can still achieve by
mid-November deadline what a gem. Oh dear that means I’m back to
getting to grips with  the ebook software which is another challenge.

Albert Einstein once defined insanity as doing the same thing over and
over again and expecting different results.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Do you Have a Problem with Self Confidence?
Self esteem affects your confidence, how important is that? If you want to rise to any challenge you must believe in yourself. Without confidence in what you can do and in who you are what chance do you have of happiness or success?

So what is Self Esteem ?

Self esteem is your opinion of yourself. High self esteem is a good opinion of yourself, and low self esteem is a bad opinion of yourself.

The Importance of Self Esteem
Self esteem is essential and is a cornerstone of a positive attitude towards living. It is very important because it affects how you think, act and even how you relate to other people. It allows you to live life to your potential. Low self esteem means poor confidence and that also causes negative thoughts, which in turn means that you are likely to give up more easily rather than face challenges. In addition, it has a direct bearing on your happiness and wellbeing.

You may well be asking. Why should self esteem matter to me?

I believe self esteem is central to everything we do. It affects your behaviour and thoughts. It changes how you feel about and value yourself, can you imagine anything else so important?

These are some of the reasons I believe why your self esteem needs to be high. High self esteem can be the difference between success and failure, it can affect your thinking causing your outlook to be positive or negative. It affects your confidence, your self image and if you don’t value yourself how will you be able to value others?

Self esteem enables you to have the right attitude to succeed at work.

It also affects your happiness, now what do I mean by that?

Your capability to achieve what you most desire is directly related to your self esteem. Whilst on the other hand, failure is much more likely when you suffer from low self esteem because you will believe others when they tell you why you cannot succeed.

At some time in our life’s most of us have carried around self doubts that have limited our potential. We have doubts on how capable we will be at performing a new job. We are uncertain as to whether we can keep our lover interested, or we have reservation whether we're smart enough to finish that university program. Whatever the case may be, this is where you have to look at your options, a choice needs to be made. You can either let your self doubts control your actions, or you can work through them by improving the things you can change and by accepting those you can't.

We are all capable of removing the negative layers and replacing them with positive ones. Only then can we start working on the most important relationship we'll ever have, the relationship with yourself, it’s important to learn how to value yourself, your ability and your contribution in the world because you are unique.

You have to understand that you cannot value and respect others unless you first value and respect yourself. We also have to learn the art of loving yourself, increase your confidence and fell better about yourself. When you look in the mirror look past the image you first see you are more than that. We all have things about our appearance that we don’t like but do you realise that other people looking at us will see something different.

Self image is another significant part of how you feel about yourself. Low self esteem means that you will have a poor image of yourself and this will result in a loss of confidence. Your social skills will also suffer and you will find it harder to socialise because others will respond negatively to your lack of confidence. You need to see and understand that there are lots of good reasons to feel positive about yourself.

Remember That:

You must learn and understand that you, and only you must believe in yourself. You have to give yourself the credit you deserve for the succesful things that you have done in the past, the succesful things you are doing in the present and the succesful things you know you can and will do in the future.

An important part of  lifting and keeping your  self esteem is by making the commitment to learn something new. Attending  motivational seminars or read a book that will inspire you. There are lots of books and tapes that can help move you forward with your life. By making self development part and parcel of your life you will improve and retain you self esteem and be confident about the present and the future.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Feel the Fear

Fear is a natural human emotion. It is a ‘negative emotion’ though
it can achieve a positive function. The problem is, fear can take on
a life of its own and become an obstacle. It can paralyse and prevent
growth, happiness and success.

Everyone of us has fears on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
levels, everything from the fear of death, to the fear of humiliation,
loneliness, rejection, and so on. I will explore some of these shortly.

First is the fear of positive things! People can be afraid of love,
success, intimacy, power, money, even happiness, etc

We fear the consequences around them, such as the fear of loss, of
responsibility, of being seen, of not being good enough, of stepping
outside our comfort zone. We ourselves can create resistances to
achieving those things in our lives.

If there’s something you crave for that you don’t have in your life,
a part of you may be resisting it, you may be afraid of it, whether
that’s money, power, visibility, intimacy, etc.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

10 More Ways to Get Traffic.

1. Gain an advantage over your competition. You should find one benefit your competition doesn't offer and use it as your main selling point.

2. Design your e-zine so it creates multiple free advertising streams. Ask readers to forward it to people they know, offer ad trades, etc.

3. Allow your visitors to subscribe to an updatee-zine. Anytime you make changes to your website they can receive an informative e-mail.

4. Focus your articles on information the targeted readers and e-zine publishers want. They will get published more often, which means free publicity.

5. Use problems to attract online traffic. Find common online problem and use your web site to solve it. People will visit and see your ads.

6. Have an informative FAQ page at your web site.Anticipate questions your prospects or visitors may have; this will help improve your sales ratio.

7. Improve your negotiation skills. This'll improve your business because you're always negotiating ad swaps, supply prices, joint ventures, wages, etc.

8. Beat your competition by giving away a similar product or service that they charge for. It could be add on products, warranties, servicing, etc.

9. Build a larger online community by giving your visitors bonuses for participating on your message boards or chat rooms. Try free products, ads, etc.

10. Instead of starting an affiliate program, start a referral program. Give people discounts and free products for referring people to your site.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quote of the Day:
"Cultivate more joy by arranging your life so that more joy 
will be likely." -- Georgia Witkin 

Monday, October 8, 2012

10 Strategic Ways To Maximise Your Profits

1. Tell people the point or focus of your web site.
Explain to them what things they can do or which
goals they can accomplish while visiting your site.

2. Make your visitors feel comfortable at your web
site. Give them your main business address, your
visitors may not trust you if you're using a P.O. box.

3. Include a FAQ on your web site or via e-mail
on an autoresponder. This will give your customers
an extra convenience without having to contact you.

4. Buy advertising space on discussion board web
sites. They are usually arranged by subject; that
makes them highly targeted.

5. Start a free e-mail newsletter to create your own
opt in list. Create a title that grabs readers attention.
Submit it to free e-zine directories on the internet.

6. Record all your new promotion ideas into an idea
journal, good or bad. Sometimes you can combine
ideas to create new ones to increase your sales.

7. Convert your web site and free e-mail newsletter
into different languages. This will increase your over-
all target market.

8. Make your classified ads stand out in a crowd.
Use all capitol letters in the headline, divide letters
with extra spaces, add in text symbols, etc.

9. Remember your customer is always right, even
if they are not. Resolve all conflicts quickly and
painlessly. They are the lifeblood of your business.

10. Create a bond with your visitors by bringing up
likes or dislikes you have in common with them in
your ad copy. Just make sure you do your research.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hi hope you don't mind, I'd just like to ask you a three questions.

1) What are you looking for?
2) Why are you looking?
3) Do you need help?

I'm a firm believer in what goes around comes around.

So if you would like me to help you just ask, I know
that one day I might need your help.

Please leave a comment in the box below or if your shy
email me on

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions". Naguib Mahfouz

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Part 2 Feel the Fear

“Beliefs are the determinant of what one experiences.
There are no external causes.”
- David Hawkins, I: Reality and Subjectivity

Do you even know what your beliefs are?

The first step of your journey in busting your beliefs is to identify them.
So much of what we believe we are not even conscious of, and simply accept
as “the way life is”.

Yet the “way life is” is a direct product of these beliefs. Most of our
beliefs are formed during our childhood years, yet they continue to impact
your reality today. Beliefs don't fade with time. Quite the contrary. If
you don't change them they are compounded by the very experiences they
themselves generate into a damaging catch 22.

You may have been told at school that were dumb, that you’re not going to
amount to anything in your life. Boys or girls may have teased you for
being chubby, thin, plain, pretty, etc. Sound familiar?

You will have a belief about everything in your world! And if you're
experiencing limitation, struggle or hardship anywhere, could be in your
relationships, money, your career, health, etc. you'll find an unhelpful
belief there to be cleared!

Please pop by tomorrow for part 3

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Monday, October 1, 2012

"If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate." -- Thomas Watson, Sr., founder of IBM