Wednesday, October 24, 2012

More Traffic

Have you built a wonderful ecommerce site just to see it sit unvisited? Building your site is only half the battle – now you have to drive visitors your way. If you have already utilized SEO and created a social media presence, you may want to consider building a blog into the site. Many ecommerce sites don’t have blogs, and it’s too bad; these companion blogs can be a great way to boost traffic. If you are ready to build a blog for your ecommerce site, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Go For The Soft Sell

Your blog isn’t the place to endlessly expound upon the amazing things that your customers will find over at your ecommerce site. Of course, you should let your readers know when you are running a sale or special promotion (and don’t forget to promote it via social media, too!), but be careful of selling too hard. You want your blog to be a place that people go to for quality content, and no one wants to be sold to 24/7. Make valuable, engaging posts your first priority, and no one will mind the occasional plug for your store. However, feel free to link back to your product pages (within context) from your blog. Those backlinks are SEO gold.
Showcase Your Enthusiasm
The reason you got into business in the first place was because you had an interest in your product. Your blog is the perfect place to let that enthusiasm shine. Share stories about your product or experiences that you’ve had while working in the business. Pay attention to thought leaders in your marketplace, and feel free to link to their blogs or social media sites. For example, if you sell high quality golf balls, you can link to interesting stories in GolfDigest, or write up an opinion piece or two during the Masters Tournament reflecting on the game. The more excited you are about your field, the more excited your customers will be about your product. And who knows, you might even have a little bit of fun!
Create A Conversation
A valuable aspect of creating a blog for your business is that you have opened up an avenue for your customers to share their thoughts. It can be intimidating for a business to open itself up like this, but this access should be viewed as a great opportunity. After all, if there is a problem or a customer is unhappy, don’t you want to know why? Encourage feedback and participation, and then use those comments to grow your business.
Don’t let your ecommerce site go unvisited. Adding a blog can be a great choice on your road to business success.

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