Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Well How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

At last I’ve accomplished my goal of writing my first ebook, and yes there was blood sweat and tears.
Days when I said Why bother, Who will benefit, What’s the point, Where will I sell it, When will it be finished and How am I every going to find the time?
FOCUS is something that is a must, I’m a bit of a perfectionist and spent too much time trying to make it perfect, and you could also say I’m a bit of a procrastinator as I used perfectionism as an excuse.
My Why. After being a business adviser for over 28 years, I felt that as knowledge is power and that power should be shared so that was my starting point. All the information is out there, somewhere but where?
What’s the point? Many of the small businesses that came to us were worn out from searching for the information that they needed to achieve business success, going round in circles was the usual expression. So my aim is to help as many people wanting to start up and achieve business success.
So my How. I’m a hoarder and so you will not be surprised when I say that the amount of paper work that I have gathered during my time working with small and medium enterprises is enough to write several books. Now how was I every going to find the time was very hard, in the end family, housework and other boring stuff that fills our life’s had to take a back seat.
I set myself a date as to When it would be finished, though this date was moved several times. Life is like standing on a moving carpet and often gets in the way, and this was why the date had to be moved.
Where now that was a challenge, in the end I’ve chosen Amazon Kindle, another challenge! I was in a state of information overload and  in the end I just went for it and published on Kindle.  Now it is ready and live and I hope that people will find it as helpful to them as I think it should be.
Who, is going to benefit from reading the book? It’s aimed at everybody that has a dream of running their own business, no matter what their age, where they come from, whether they are working, unemployed, in college, at university, all ready in business or just about to dip their toes into the world of business.
Just click on the picture of my book and you will be taken to the place where you can find out more about it, and last but not least you don’t have to own a Kindle to get a kindle book.

 All you need to have an internet connection, you will find there are several options to choose from you can even down load a FREE kindle viewer to your PC or Laptop


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