Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Tips About Writing Good Ads.

1. Publish a picture of yourself in your ad. This will
show people that you're not hiding behind your web
site and you're not afraid to backup your product.

2. List how many famous or respected people have
purchased your product in your ad. These people
should be fairly known by your target audience.

3. Publish the results of any tests your product has
passed in your ad. Your product may have passed
a durability test, safety test, quality test, etc.

4. Publish the results of any positive surveys you've
taken from your customers in your ad. Just survey
your current customers and list the results.

5. List any publications that have written about your
business in your ad. It could be a product review,
on a top ten list, an article, etc.

6. List any related books that you've written in your
ad. When you list a book(s) you've wrote, it gives
you credibility because it shows you're an expert.

7. Have a professional looking web site to publish
your ad on. When people visit your site and it looks
unprofessional, they'll relate that to your product.

8. Publish any endorsements from famous people in
your ad. Some people will think if a famous person,
enjoys your product, so will they.

9. Use a money back guarantee in your ad. This
will remove the risk from your potential customers
and show them that you stand behind your product.

10. Provide testimonials from satisfied customers in
your ad. The testimonials should include specific
and believable results you customers have received.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Feel the Fear

Fear is a natural human emotion. It is a ‘negative emotion’ though
it can achieve a positive function. The problem is, fear can take on
a life of its own and become an obstacle. It can paralyse and prevent
growth, happiness and success.

Everyone of us has fears on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
levels, everything from the fear of death, to the fear of humiliation,
loneliness, rejection, and so on. I will explore some of these shortly.

First is the fear of positive things! People can be afraid of love,
success, intimacy, power, money, even happiness, etc

We fear the consequences around them, such as the fear of loss, of
responsibility, of being seen, of not being good enough, of stepping
outside our comfort zone. We ourselves can create resistances to
achieving those things in our lives.

If there’s something you crave for that you don’t have in your life,
a part of you may be resisting it, you may be afraid of it, whether
that’s money, power, visibility, intimacy, etc.

Please pop by tomorrow for part 2

Have you visited our website yet? if not take a minute to visit NOW

Don't forget to leave a comment in the box below

Friday, September 28, 2012

I found this in an e-mail and now is on my wall.

There comes a point in your life when you realize:

Who matters.

Who never did.

Who won't anymore...

And who always will.

So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

"If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate."
-- Thomas Watson, Sr., founder of IBM

Monday, September 24, 2012

Build Up Your Self Confidence

Our vulnerability to fear is in opposite proportion to our feeling of self worth.

If you have little self regard and consider yourselves to be worthless and of little value you will be enormously fearful.

On the other hand, if you are genuinely self confident you are less likely to be fearful. If you know that you have dealt effectively with problems in the past you are likely to have self confidence in your ability to deal with new problems.

You have probably acquired your feelings of inadequacy, because the people around you have made you feel inadequate and worthless.

Therefore in order to build up your self confidence you must replace negative, damaging feelings of failure, incompetence and unworthiness with positive feelings of success.

Let’s look at some workable ways in which you can boost your self confidence and eliminate your feelings of inadequacy.

First sit down with a piece of paper and a pencil and write down all the good things you can think of to say about yourself. Imagine that you are preparing a marketing campaign for yourself. This is where you will promote all your good points. You are trying to sell yourself to the world, though really you selling yourself to yourself.

I know that if you are shy and lacking in self confidence you may feel that it is going to be a daunting task. If you feel you are not ready to do it on your own, ask a friend that you trust to sit with you, they always say a job shared is a job halved. Create a list of words between you here is a few to start you of, honest, generous, thoughtful, hard-working, punctual, careful, considerate, moral, kind, ambitious, creative there lots just get your thinking hat on. Write down every good word that you think of, and then go through the list and tick of the ones that you honestly believe apply to yourself.

Read your `advertisement' every day to improve your self-image.

Stop seeing yourself as a failure, substitute your negative thinking with some positive images. You have to learn to see yourself as a success.

Now make a list of all the things you hold dear to you, not things you own but a list of all the intangibles in your life. If your married this would be your partner, your children, plus your integrity, your friends, your interests, your knowledge, your accomplishments and your good memories. These are the real treasures in your life. Next write down all the things for which you are grateful. When you look at your lists you may be surprised to find how many things there are that you can be proud about. These are your blessings.

Write down your top twenty memories, the magical times in your life when you felt at your happiest and calmest. Keep the list somewhere safe and look at it regularly. Keep your lists up dated adding new special memories to your Top Twenty lists as they occur.

Some fears aren't always easy to identify or isolate. If you have a problem which you want to identify try asking yourself `Why?'. That one word is the key to understanding (and overcoming) fear.

So, for example, if you feel `angry' and suspect that your anger may be caused by underlying fear ask yourself: `Why?' And keep asking `why?' until you get some answers.

Fear of the unknown is a powerful driving force. But you can derail this particular fear by always asking yourself. What is the worst thing that can happen in this situation? You will often be surprised to find that the worst really isn't all that bad. Once you know the worst you can make plans accordingly, my mother used to say “Fear comes knocking on the door, Faith answers it and there is no one there”.

My fear was of failure though I sometimes think it is fear of success, two sides of the same coin. How many times have you been on the verge of success and then you have sabotaged yourself, I’ve done it lots of times and in this moment in time I’m finishing my first book and once again the cold icy fingers of the fear of failure is creeping up on me, however I’ve made a plan and put it into action. My plan is written down and it’s now only one month to my book being published each day, I’m facing my fear and doing it anyway. My book may be a success who knows but I’ll have looked fear in the face and know I had nothing to fear but fear it’s self

Fear likes to keep us busy, we do jobs we don’t like because we’re frightened of what might happen if we leave. Fears keep people in relationships which have no future. Fear destroys courage and initiative. Fear of the unknown is one of society's ways of keeping us under control.

Spend As Much Time As You Can With Positive People

Don't spend time with people who are always criticising you, putting you down or looking on the gloomy side of life. Make every effort to make new friends out of people you admire. What's the worst that can happen? a negative response. What's the best that can happen? a great new friend.

Spend time with people who support and encourage you. Don’t put up with people who put you down? Keep away from them. Don't bother to share your life with them unless, of course, they change. Write positive quotes in your diary. Use inspirational books and tapes. Spend the first twenty minutes of your day doing something positive this will set you up for the day. Limit the amount of negative TV you watch, keep up with what is going on in the world by reading a once-a-week news magazine.
Remember that if you send out positive thoughts, you will get positive thoughts back.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fear is a natural human emotion. It is a ‘negative emotion’ though
it can achieve a positive function. The problem is, fear can take on
a life of its own and become an obstacle. It can paralyse and prevent
growth, happiness and success.

Everyone of us has fears on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
levels, everything from the fear of death, to the fear of humiliation,
loneliness, rejection, and so on. I will explore some of these shortly.

First is the fear of positive things! People can be afraid of love,
success, intimacy, power, money, even happiness, etc

We fear the consequences around them, such as the fear of loss, of
responsibility, of being seen, of not being good enough, of stepping
outside our comfort zone. We ourselves can create resistances to
achieving those things in our lives.

If there’s something you crave for that you don’t have in your life,
a part of you may be resisting it, you may be afraid of it, whether
that’s money, power, visibility, intimacy, etc.How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The ABC of Business Success

A Avoid negative sources, people, places, thing and habits

B Belief in yourself

C Consider things from every angle

D Donʼt give up and donʼt give in

E Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow might never come

F Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches

G Give more than you planned to

H Hang on to your dreams

I Ignore those who try to discourage you

J Just do it

K Keep on trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier

L Love yourself first and most

M Make it happen

N Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal

O Open your eyes and see things as they are

P Practice makes perfect

Q Quitters never win and winners never quit

R Read study and learn about everything important in your life

S Stop procrastinating

T Take control of your destiny

U Understand yourself in order to better understand others

V Visualise it

W Want it more than anything

X Xcellerate your efforts

Friday, September 21, 2012

 Help Others

One way to promote you own website is to offer to help other website owners by giving away ebooks from you site for them to use on their own sites. Lots of people do not have the time or skills to write and create ebooks to give away to their web site visitors. Giving away ebooks from your web site can easily increase traffic and sales. You could produce promotional ebooks for other people to use so they can promote their web site.

First, you will need to write and create your own ebook to give away to your visitors. If you don't want to write one, you could ask permission to use another writers' articles or material. Be sure to include your text or banner at the beginning of the ebook. Once your ebook is uploaded to your web site you can allow people to download it and give it away to their web site visitors. Your ad will continue to be spread all over the internet.

You can take this strategy one step further to make it even more powerful. Allow people to sign-up to get a version of the ebook with their own text or banner ad included in it. With their own ad included in the ebook, they'll work harder to promote it. That means your ad will be seen by even more people. It's now a win/win situation for you and your visitors!

 How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Work From Home Online - It Beats Having A Second Job

The poor economy has driven some people outside the home to take on a second job. However there are people who are lucky enough to work from home online.

There are many good things to working from home online and we will discuss a few of those in how they beat going outside of the home for a second job.

1. It is great to be able to work from the comfort of your own home. You don't have to get in your car and drive to a job or a second job.

Depending on where you have to drive to it this can be a big time savings. As the price of gas continues to rise, it can also be a big savings for you on gas every month.

2. You get to be your own boss when you work from home online. This is a lot of fun to do for people who are self motivated.

When you have a boss you may not always agree with them. Plus a boss is always bossing you around! This may sound strange but the reality is they are paid to do their job and you have to go along with what they say.

3. At a second job you're going to generally earn a small hourly rate. Many times this is no more than minimum wage.

Working from home online allows you to make as much money as you want. The Internet works 24 hours a day.

This means you can actually earn a very large hourly rate. Plus if you want to earn more money you can build more websites or add more products to the website you already have.

4. A second job can pull you away more from your family. When you work from home online you can schedule your own time to do family things.

Many people choose to work after the kids have gone to bed or in the morning before they wake up. Others prefer work long hours on the weekends and keep their week free for things that come up.

5. Oftentimes people have to take a second job that they really don't like. In certain areas there are not a lot of part-time jobs to choose from.

When you work from home online you can pick how you want to make money. Many people choose to start a blog and make money doing something they enjoy. The same thing is true with niche affiliate marketing.

As you can see to work from home online offers many benefits over having a second job outside of it. You can join millions of other people who are already doing it.

 How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Two more ways to make money.

Lots of people are looking for ways to earn more income online. The first point is finding the right income opportunity.

The Internet offers many opportunities that you can research on your own. In this article we will talk about a few ways you can earn extra income online and you can research the individual opportunities on your own.

1. Network marketing still remains a popular and fun way to develop a walk-away income. Developing an income that pays you over and over is one of the strongest features of network marketing.

There are ordinary people earning money with network marketing that never could do so in the past. There are also Internet marketers who have no background in network marketing using this business model to create a powerful residual income all around the world.

Leveraging your time and duplicating your efforts are two of the drawing cards for network marketing. This is also how it is possible for you to make a residual income as your creative downline of individuals building their own network marketing business.

You get paid every time a product moves through your downline either through wholesale or retail sales. Over time this can turn into a very large residual income.

2. Another way to earn residual income is building a lucrative high traffic blog. This is an excellent way to make money online because you can blog on things that interest you.

You can monetize your blog in numerous ways, but one commonly used is incorporate the Google Adsense affiliate program into all of your blog articles. This is a hands-off way to create income and as you develop a high traffic blog.

Selling advertising to businesses interested in Internet marketing is another benefit of making money with a high traffic blog. This lets you focus on writing blog articles and billing your advertisers once a month.

The residual income part of this comes into play as your blog grows to the point that the traffic is self-sustaining. You can even outsource adding fresh content to blog writers which really frees up your time to enjoy the money you are making.

In summary, these are just two ways to earn residual income on the Internet. Finding the right residual income opportunity in network marketing is something anyone can do.

Building income that pays you consistently with a high traffic blog is a fun way to make money and one that appeals to many Internet marketers.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The ABC of Business Success

A Avoid negative sources, people, places, thing and habits

B Belief in yourself

C Consider things from every angle

D Donʼt give up and donʼt give in

E Enjoy life today, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow might never come

F Family and friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches

G Give more than you planned to

H Hang on to your dreams

I Ignore those who try to discourage you

J Just do it

K Keep on trying no matter how hard it seems, it will get easier

L Love yourself first and most

M Make it happen

N Never lie, cheat or steal, always strike a fair deal

O Open your eyes and see things as they are

P Practice makes perfect

Q Quitters never win and winners never quit

R Read study and learn about everything important in your life

S Stop procrastinating

T Take control of your destiny

U Understand yourself in order to better understand others

V Visualise it

W Want it more than anything

X Xcellerate your efforts

Monday, September 17, 2012

“Many people make the mistake of thinking that all the challenges in their lives would dissipate if they just had enough money. Nothing could be further from the truth. Earning more money, in and of itself, rarely frees people. It's equally ridiculous to tell yourself that greater financial freedom and mastery of your finances would not offer your greater opportunities to expand, share, and create value for yourself and others.”

~ Anthony Robbins

Sunday, September 16, 2012

How to Get a Head Start and Achieve Business Success

 Five Ways to Make More Money

The down economy has forced more people to find ways to make extra income. Unfortunately even finding part time jobs is tough to do. However one good thing is the Internet offers numerous ways to earn extra money from home.

Most of these do not require special education or training and almost anyone can learn how to do it. In this article we will talk about how to earn extra money from home quickly in various ways.

1. Join a network marketing opportunity. This is a great way to quickly earn money because you can retail products and make commissions on all of your sales.

Depending on the compensation plan of the network marketing company you can get paid very quickly for your sales. Some companies are now paying on a weekly basis for retail sales - MyWorldPlus is a great example of this.

2. Start your own business as an affiliate marketer. You can join affiliate marketing companies for free and it only takes a couple of minutes.

There are many examples of people making sales the same day they start. The nice thing about earning extra money from home this way is all of your products and marketing materials are given to you so you can get started right away.

3. Join instant affiliate commission programs. There are affiliate programs that now fund your PayPal account instantly when you make a sale.

This means you do not have to wait to receive your money. Information products work extremely well for these instant commission programs. 20 Ways To Make $100 A Day is a product I have a lot of success with. You do however have to purchase the product first for $27, but then you are eligible to sell the ebook yourself and when you make a sale your PayPal account is credited immediately.

4. Start you own blog. This can be a lot of fun as well as a great way to earn some extra money and do it right from the comfort of your own home.

You can sell affiliate products on your blog which is a fast way to make money. You can also join the Google Adsense program and get paid when people click on the ads provided by Google.

You may have seen blogs with Google ads on them. Making money this way requires you to build traffic to your blog, but it is an extremely easy way to earn extra money.

If you do not know how to get started then take a look at the Affiliate Power Group where you will get help every step of the way to earn an income online with Affiliate Marketing.

5. Write blog articles for other bloggers. There are millions of blogs that need content right now and the owners would pay you to write for them.

You can get paid upfront for the articles you will write. You are only limited by your ability to find customers and get the work done. However this can take off very quickly if you are a good writer.

These are a few ideas on how to earn extra money from home. The Internet offers many opportunities including these five.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Don’t Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don’t quit

Life is queer with its twists and turns
As everyone of us at sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won if he’d stuck it out
Don’t give up through the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow

Often the goal is nearer than it seems
To a faint and faltering man
Often the struggle has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup
When he learned too late when the night came
How close he was to the golden crown

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things seem worse that you mustn’t quite

Friday, September 14, 2012

"The unfortunate need people who will be kind to them; the prosperous need people to be kind to." -- Aristotle

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The First Step! The 10 Step Goal-Setting Process.

No Limits No Excuses.

1) Think about what you want and write it down.

2) Decide EXACTLY what you want and write it down.

3) Make sure your goal is measurable.

4) Identify the specific reasons that you want to achieve this goal and write them down.

5) Establish a definite date for accomplishment of your gaol and write it down.

6) Create a list of action steps that you need to take to accomplish your goal and write it down.

7) Create an action plan from your list of action steps and write it down.

8) Take Action

9) Do something every day

10) View your goals as often as possible

To finish a quote from the great Ralph Waldo Emerson

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high aspirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

Now, that's some excellent advice to live by. Give it a try!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Give Away An Electronic Info Product.

1. Give Away An Electronic Information Product

The product could be a simple report posted on your Web
site or autoresponder to a downloadable e-book. The
information product should relate to your target audience. Just
place your advertisement somewhere on the product. Allow
other people to give away the information product to attract
even more customers.

2. Offer Free Consulting Via E-mail

Allow potential customers to ask you specific questions
relating to the subject of your business. Giving away free advice
can show your prospects your expertise and give you instant
credibility. Another benefit is when you e-mail them back the
free advice or information include your signature file to get free

3. Hold A Free Chat Room Seminar

People go to seminars to learn about a particular subject.
With chat rooms you don't need to fear public speaking or
spend money to rent out a seminar room. You can use your
own chat room or hold the seminar in someone elses.
Holding a chat room seminar is an incredible way to get free
publicity. Just send a press release to the media announcing
your free seminar.

4. Start A Free-To-Join Club

Having people join your club is a creative way to attract
new customers. People want to belong to something, why
not your online club. The club should be related to your
product or service. You could give away a free e-mail
newsletter for club members only. Have a members only
message board, e-mail discussion group or chat room. Post
your advertisements on all the club information.

5. Provide Your Product Or Service For Almost Free

Tell potential customers you'll accept barter deals for your
products or services. You may not be getting money but they
will become your customers. If they are satisfied they might
pay money the next time they make a purchase. Barter for
things to improve your business or your own personal life.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Writing a Moneymaking Ad.
1. You can get ad copy ideas by studying similar
product's advertising material. Collect their sales
letters, classified ads, web ads, e-mail ads, etc.

2. Know exactly what you want your ad copy to
accomplish. It could be to qualify prospects, make
sales, generate leads, attract web traffic, etc.

3. Make a complete list of your product's benefits
and features. Begin your ad with the most important
benefit either in your headline or first sentence.

4. Make your ad benefits as specific as possible.
Include exact numbers, percentages, times, colors,
smells, sounds, descriptive adjectives, etc.

5. List all the ways your product is different from
your competition's. Include all the differences in
your ad copy that are better than their product.

6. Use graphics, pictures and drawings of people
actually using your product to solve their problem.
Include a picture that also shows the results.

7. Make a list of your target audience. Write down
what reasons would attract them to purchase your
product. Include those reasons in your ad copy.

8. Include any proven facts in your ad copy. They
could be customer surveys, scientific tests, product
reviews, etc.

9. Tell your audience what kind of support they'll
get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech
support, free servicing, etc.

10. Ask people at the end of your copy why they
decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on
how to produce a more profitable ad copy.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Get Internet Success!
If you have an internet home business and your own website it is recommended to promote it online and get more traffic. There are many free ways to promote your website online, and believe or not the free methods are as avail as those that cost money. Here is a list of 7 free internet home business promotion ideas you can use:

1. Grow your link popularity. Submit your website url to link and SEO directories. Start with directories with high page rank, most directories are free, and don't ask for a reciprocal link. Building link popularity is free and the easy way to promote your website online.

2. Use forum marketing. Forums are there to help you promote your business. Search and find forums related to your business and join the conversation. You will find valuable information on these forums and also be able to help other with your experience. In time you will build a name for your business and eventually increase the traffic to your site.

Use the forum signature option to promote your business in the forums, insert a catchy text and link it to your website.

3. Find friends and be friendly. Friends are important in every aspect of your life, online and offline. Being friendly to other business owners will help you when it comes to promoting your home business. You can find friends on forums and social media sites.

4. Article marketing. Article marketing is known to be one of the best and most effective internet marketing tools available today. Writing articles on topics related to your online business and submitting them to article directories is a tool to build your credibility and establish you name as an expert in your field, additionally it will also help you achieve step number one: building link popularity.

5. Tell people about your website. Use the proven method of word to mouth. Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and everyone you know about your website.

6. Banner advertising. Create a banner for your website with free banner creating programs, or use banner you already have if you are an affiliate marketer. Ask other website owners to advertise your banner on their website and in exchange you advertise their banner on yours.

7. Set up an opt-in page, and offer a free online training course. People who sign up to your course will receive it to their email, and are growing your list of future customers.

One good way to promote your free course is using free traffic exchange engines, and offer an incentive in return for joining your course, a free report or a software.

You see? If you have your own internet home business you don't have to pay money to promote it. Following the steps mentioned in this article and using these 7 free internet home business promotion ideas you are guaranteed to drive more traffic to your website and it is all free.
Labels: business promotion, free internet home business, Free Internet Home Business Promotion, internet home business.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

“Do the things you fear, and the death of fear is certain.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Who Matters and Who Never Will.

I found this in an e-mail and now is on my wall.

There comes a point in your life when you realize:

Who matters.

Who never did.

Who won't anymore...

And who always will.

So, don't worry about people from your past,
there's a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

 Maximise Your Profits

1. Tell people the point or focus of your web site.
Explain to them what things they can do or which
goals they can accomplish while visiting your site.

2. Make your visitors feel comfortable at your web
site. Give them your main business address, your
visitors may not trust you if you're using a P.O. box.

3. Include a FAQ on your web site or via e-mail
on an autoresponder. This will give your customers
an extra convenience without having to contact you.

4. Buy advertising space on discussion board web
sites. They are usually arranged by subject; that
makes them highly targeted.

5. Start a free e-mail newsletter to create your own
opt in list. Create a title that grabs readers attention.
Submit it to free e-zine directories on the internet.

6. Record all your new promotion ideas into an idea
journal, good or bad. Sometimes you can combine
ideas to create new ones to increase your sales.

7. Convert your web site and free e-mail newsletter
into different languages. This will increase your over-
all target market.

8. Make your classified ads stand out in a crowd.
Use all capitol letters in the headline, divide letters
with extra spaces, add in text symbols, etc.

9. Remember your customer is always right, even
if they are not. Resolve all conflicts quickly and
painlessly. They are the lifeblood of your business.

10. Create a bond with your visitors by bringing up
likes or dislikes you have in common with them in
your ad copy. Just make sure you do your research.


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here is a list of 14 creative ways to make money on line with your ebook.

1. Allow other e-zine publishers or web site owners to republish small nuggets or excerpts of information from your ebook with your byline or ad included.

2. Make extra profits from selling monthly updates of your ebook. You could also back end sell the extra never released chapters of your e-book.

3. Give away a free ebook and then give people an option of buying the paid version of the ebook. Also let others give away the free version of your ebook.

4. Divide your ebook content into reports then give people the option of just purchasing the info they want.

5. Purchase reprint rights to other people's ebooks an combine them with your in a large package dealor private ebook library web site.

6. Change the benefits on your ebook ad copy into links. When people click on it take them right to the order page. It'll give them a urge to buy your ebook.

7. Charge people a cheap price to read half of your ebook. If they like it, they can pay full price to read the other half.

8. Offer freebies that are related to the ebook your selling. It could be free monthly ebook updates, free e-zine, free consulting, etc.

9. Show your prospects a sample page out of your ebook. Just black out some of the important info. This will make your prospects curious to buy.

10. Provide a low and high priced version of your ebook. Show benefits of each version side by side. People usually spend a little more for extra info.

11. Offer the reprint rights to your ebook. You can sell the rights with the regular purchase price or as a separate higher price.

12. Make your ebook available for offline people. Your could turn it into a print book, report, video, audio book, print newsletter, etc.

13. Redesign your ebook for specific niches. You can create multiple profits with very little work. Ex:Turn a business ebook into a craft business ebook.

14. Give your prospects discount coupons on other products when they purchase your ebook. It could be your products or others that you made deals with.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

More Moneymaking Ideas for You.

1. Interview Articles - You could compile an ebook or report of interviews you've given to experts from your particular industry.

2. Coupon eBook - You could compile an ebook full of coupons from other products you sell or from other businesses you've made coupon deals with.

3. Online Gallery - You could compile a free online gallery of pictures, graphs, charts, or graphics that is related to your target audience.

4. Webcam - You could set-up a webcam so your customers could view a particular environment or place they are interested in.

5. E-zine Archives - You could bundle all your olde-zine issues together into an e-book or member'sweb site.

6. Survey Results - You could compile together the results of all the surveys you've taken from your website visitors. It could be an ebook or reports.

7. Personal Journal - You could publish a personal journal of daily actions you take that's related toy our particular industry.

8. Calendar Of Events - You could publish a list or ebook of events related to your target audience, It could be trade shows, seminars, fundraisers, etc.

9. Top Lists - You could publish a list or ebook oftop ten lists that your customers would be interested in. It can be about related products, people, etc.

10. Email Discussion List - You could make a privatee-mail discussion list only for people that purchaseyour product.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Keep the Money Coming In.

1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust and proved your credibility to them.

2. Make it a practice to up sell to new and existing customers. After they decide to buy one product, offer them another product.

3. Cross promote your products and services with other businesses that aren't competition. You will reach a wider audience at less cost.

4. Create joint venture deals with other businesses.You can expand your product line and target other profitable markets at a lower cost.

5. Start an affiliate program for your business. You will be able to spend less profits on risk advertising and spend more money on guaranteed sales.

6. Trade advertising with other businesses to save revenue. You could trade e-zine ads, banners ads,links, print ads, etc.

7. Out source part of your workload. This can save on employee costs, equipment costs, taxation costs,expansion costs, etc.

8. Add low cost bonuses to your offer that have a high perceived value. It could be ebooks, members only sites, consulting, e-reports, etc.

9. Use viral marketing to promote your business on the internet. Give away free stuff with your ad copy include on it so others can give it away.

10. Follow up with all your prospects. You can usea free e-zine, a follow-up autoresponder, an updateor reminder list, etc.

Monday, September 3, 2012

19 Ways To Increase Your Traffic And Sales Using Free Follow-Up Autoresponder Courses

Read it below! An autoresponder course is a group of articles orinformation set up to be sent out separately over aset period of time by e-mail. People just e-mail yourautoresponder to receive the free course and it issent out automatically over time. You can find freefollow-up autoresponders to use by typing it into anysearch engine. Below are ten ways to use them toincrease your traffic and sales.

1. Offer your course as a free bonus for purchasing one of your main products or services. People will buy your products quicker when you offer a bonus.

2. When you write and give away a free course you will become known as an expert. This'll gain people's trust and they will buy your main product quicker.

3. Allow others to add your free course to their own product packages. Their customers will see your ad when they purchase.

4. People love to get freebies. A free autoresponder course is perfect. They will visit your web site toget the free valuable information.

5. Allow people to receive your course for free, if they give you the e-mail addresses of 3 to 5 friends or associates that would be interested.

6. Allow other people to give away your free course This will increase the number of people that will see your ad in the course.

7. You could trade advertising space in your course for other forms of advertising. It could be banner ads, e-zine ads, web site ads, etc.

8. Gain new leads by having people sign up and give you their contact info before they can receive your autoresponder course.

9. Give away the autoresponder course as a free gift to your current customers as a way of letting them know you appreciate their business.

10. Give away the course to people that join your affiliate program. This will increase the number of people that sign-up.

11. Make money selling advertising space in your course. You could charge for small classified ads or sponsor ads.

12. Get free advertising by submitting your course to freebie web sites. This will increase the number of people that will see your ads in the course.

13. Make money by selling the reprint rights to those people that would like to sell the course. You could make more money by selling the master rights.

14. Hold a contest on your web site so people could win your course. You will get free advertising when you submit your contest to free contest directories.

15. You'll gain valuable referrals from people telling others about your course. Word of mouth advertising can be very effective.

16. Make money cross promoting your course with other people's products or services. This technique will double your marketing effort

17. Increase your e-zine subscribers by giving your course to people that subscribe to your e-zine. This'll give people an incentive to subscribe.

18. Allow your affiliates to use the free course as a promotional tool for your product. Each lesson could include their affiliate link.

19. Promote other businesses affiliate programs you join with your free autoresponder course. Include a different affiliate link on each lesson.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

10 Good Sentences to Help You Sell.

Tell your readers what they are probably thinking, feeling or doing as they read your ad copy. This strategy will usually trigger their own subconscious mind to bring out these feelings or actions. You can add these sentences into any ad copy. You may have to change one or two words so it relatesmore to the product or service you're selling.

1. As you keep reading this ad copy, you are feeling more and more compelled to experience all the benefits of our product.

2. The more you understand just how valuable our product could be to your life, the less you think about delaying this important purchase.

3. After you read this short ad you will feel like your problems are almost completely solved, all you will have to do is order.

4. As you're skimming through this, you're beginning to think you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying out our product.

5. As you're scanning over this ad copy, you are beginning to imagine using our product and enjoying all the benefits it brings.

6. The more you keep reading our ad the more you feel it would be a waste to let this opportunity slip by.

7. The more you review our ad the more you begin to find yourself getting very excited about our product and starting to feel the urge to buy now.

8. You don't know it yet but, at the conclusion of this ad, you will feel driven to order and experience all the benefits of our product.

9. You don't realize it yet but, in a few short minutes you'll realize that you can't put off this vital purchase and then you'll be yanking out your credit card.

10. As every word you read travels from this ad to your brain, you start to understand just how much our product could benefit you.