Sunday, March 31, 2013

 Better Use Of Time

You have available to you the concept of leveraging your time if you are in the network marketing business. A lot of network marketers never fully understand how to maximize this concept to build wealth.

It is when you enroll a new distributor that the basics of leveraging your time start. This is where you have the chance to duplicate your efforts. Whenever this new distributor spends time working on their business, they are also spending time working on your business.

So this is how you leverage your time without personally working harder. Therefore, it only stands to reason that the more people you have working for you in this capacity the more potential money you can make.

This is why so many people can get wealthy in network marketing and never work more than a few hours every week. To learn how to leverage your time to find the quality people to grow your business is the key.

Now, this is where the Internet really comes into play. By using Internet tools such as landing pages to capture contact information for future follow-up is a smart way to leverage your time.

Before the internet was around you would prospect and try to individually follow up with those people in person, via direct mail, or on the phone. Needless to say that was a very difficult way to build a network marketing business.

In this day and age you can build a large list to follow up with via email and then let an auto-responder handle all of the follow-up for you. Thanks to the internet it is possible to literally build a list of thousands of people and develop a network marketing business of thousands of people all online.

Now the real power of this however is when your downline of thousands of people are all duplicating the time you're putting in. Can you imagine how exciting it would be if you knew you had a thousand people in your group all building large email lists to follow up with of their own.

I am sure you can see that you literally can build wealth in network marketing and the concept of leveraging your time and that of your downline is what made it possible.

Friday, March 29, 2013

FREE 50 e-Book on the Power of thought The Power of Thought

Monday, March 25, 2013

Great idea. Here is one from Rosanna Ienco from her new book Awakening the Divine Soul - Finding Your Life Purpose

"If you have the courage to step outside of your comfort zone, you will not only be amazed by the marvel and sights of the world, but also with the wonders that lay deep within yourself."

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Making a decent income at home online is the dream of many people, as it would provide them with a golden opportunity to live the life they have imagined. However, few people actually have the resources or the determination to make it work. It is possible to work at home over the Internet, but not everyone knows how to pull it off. Here are a few tips on how to make a decent income online from the comfort of home.
Look for the Right Opportunity

When it comes to making income at home online, there are so many different opportunities out there that it can be difficult to find one that is legitimate. There are many scams that try to get people to invest in them to provide a way to make money from home. Most of the time, an individual is not going to be able to simply try out the first thing that they come across and be successful at it. Finding the right opportunity takes some trial and error. It also can be aided by reading reviews about opportunities to see exactly what other people have to say about them. When checking online reviews about a business opportunity, it is important to make sure that the reviews are unbiased.
Once an opportunity is identified that has some potential for success, it is important to work with persistence. Many people have a little bit of success with an online business opportunity, and then struggle. Some choose to give up in this situation while others continue to plug away. Those who continue working are usually the ones who do the best in their careers. Those who give up usually move from one thing to another without ever really finding any success.
Regardless of what type of online business opportunity is pursued, it is important to make sure that a specific schedule is followed. Although working at home online does provide some flexibility in scheduling, the individual should still work specific hours. Many people who make the jump to working online end up working on an irregular schedule. This leads to problems, because they don’t end up getting all of their work done. For those who want to be successful working at home online, it is essential to stay disciplined and work when it’s time to work. This might mean staying away from the other members of the household in an office until the work is done.
Overall, working at home is a golden opportunity that makes it possible for a person to be his own boss and to make an unlimited amount of online income. To make it work, it will just take the right opportunity coupled with the right attitude.
You can earn multiple streams of incomef or simply GIVING AWAYpublications from our Library
More Than One Income.

Diversification is the key to securing your online income.  Here we take a look at the importance of diversification and some areas of your business where you can branch out.
As with most things in life the saying: “do not put all your eggs in one basket”, also applies to anyone earning online.

The internet is a very fast moving environment and changing all the time.  Technology is advancing at such a rapid speed that it can be near impossible to keep up with all the changes.   This is why it is so important to diversify in as many areas of your online activities that you can, so that you can safeguard your income whenever changes occur that affect you negatively.
Here are some areas where you can diversify:
Create more than one website.  It is a good idea, once you have your first website up and running and generating income to create another site in a totally different niche.  In other words, do not rely on one website for your income.
Diversify your marketing methods. When you first start out it is recommend that you choose one marketing method, master it and then move on to the next, and so on.  You want to create a variety of different methods to drive traffic to your website.  Never rely on one method and do not rely solely on organic search engine traffic.
It is important to not rely on one search engine for your traffic.  Most people focus on getting high rankings in Google only and when their site is affected negatively by an algorithm change and their rankings drop, so does their income.  Aim to get high rankings in all the top search engines.
Diversify your link building methods.  This is important so that you get a balanced link profile and the search engines can see that you have a wide variety of links pointing to your site from many different sites and domains.
Focus on generating traffic from places other than the search engines.  Social media is a big source of targeted traffic.  Other methods you can use are the traffic exchanges, classified advertising and solo ezine ads.
Build your own list with your own good quality autoresponder This is really important and one good way to secure your income.  Having a large list of active and responsive subscribers is a sure fire way of generating income quickly.  Consistently providing your subscribers with useful information builds trust and will guarantee sales for you when you recommend products to them.
Offer a variety of products.  Don’t just rely on selling products where you get paid once.  Aim to earn from multiple income streams. Consider joining residual income programs so that you continue to get paid in the future for the effort you put in today.  Should your sales for once-off products take a dip then at least you can be assured of still receiving your residual income checks.
The importance of diversification cannot be stressed enough in order to secure your income online.  The above are some areas where you can diversify and my advice is to keep looking for other ways to branch out, so that you are offering a variety of products, using different methods to build your business as well as utilizing many sources to drive traffic to your websites.
If you are looking for ways to diversify, my home page offers a selection of proven residual income opportunities and my internet marketing training guide lists a variety of ways to market a business on the internet.

Friday, March 22, 2013

It is often a dream for many to be their own boss. Whether the goal is to earn enough money to supplement a full-time income or to replace a full-time income altogether, side-businesses are viable options. An online home business can be operated with very low overheads and can be quite fulfilling and profitable.
Creating a store on an online auction site is still a profitable business to run from home. However, research should be done to determine which types of products are highly sought after. For instance, a storage unit full of high value antiques will sell better to an antiques dealer, but brand new products obtained via a wholesale re-seller will sell well on an auction site if listing prices undercut larger retailers. If auction sites do not appeal but a sales-oriented business does, a combination of blogging and affiliate marketing may be a better option.

Find books, music, toys, clothing, software, services and other marketable items online that have affiliate programs attached to them and sign up for the program. Start a blog or use an existing one and begin to write reviews of products and services and include the related affiliate link in the post somewhere, so readers can buy it if they are inclined to do so. Readers can often tell when a so-called review has been written by someone who hasn’t used the product or service being featured. Greater success with affiliate sales will happen when the writer has clearly tried the product and is measuring it against certain criteria.
Freelancing is another profitable option for a viable online home based business, and it isn’t just for writers anymore. Any skill can be marketable. For instance, people who can program cell phone apps and games are in high demand right now. People that are good at painting portraits from pictures of people and animals can make quite a bit of money selling that service online. Graphic artists and photo editors can sell those services, as well. Accountants, bookkeepers, web designers, payroll experts and any other profession that requires nothing more than a computer and a skill to work is doable at home.
While it is true that any of these skills and business ideas can be used to supplement or replace a full-time income, it is necessary to be realistic about the transition from working for someone else. Putting up a website selling a service is one of the essential steps, but another important step that cannot be skipped is marketing. Optimize sales pages for search engines; list the business in directories and post services and products via social media. Success may not be immediate but it is possible.
You can earn multiple streams of incomef or simply GIVING AWAYpublications from our Library

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

 Advertising Offline Success.

All about offline advertising. A lot of online based businesses forget about offline advertising. It is important to combine offline and online advertising together in your marketing campaign.You can market offline more effectively by targeting people that actually have access to the internet. In all your advertising you want to include your web site address, e-mail or autoresponder addresses, and the e-mail address to subscribe to your e-zine.

Below are10 offline marketing ideas:

-Place classified or full page ads in print publications. The print publications should be computer or internet related.

-Post flyers in stores. They could be computer stores, software stores, libraries etc.

-Buy mailing lists and send direct mail. You should make sure that all the people on the mailing list are internet users.

-Buy commercial time on T.V. They can be during shows that are targeted toward internet users.

-Pass out your CD-ROM or diskette business cards atspecial events. It could be at trade shows, seminars, fairs, etc.

-Set up a deal with another business that targets internet users. Pay the business to insert your business ads in their product packages.

-Hold a free offline class and teach people how to use their computer or how to use the internet. You couldhave your web site on display as an example.

-Do co-op mailings with other businesses. They should also be targeting people with internet access.

-Give away free mouse pads. Put your advertising on the mouse pads and give them away at computer or internet events.

-Advertise in card decks. The card deck you advertise in should be targeted toward internet users.

You would also want to target your offline advertisingto groups of people that will actually be interested inyour product or service. If you're selling businessbooks, you will want to market to business owners. Inconclusion, if you have a business that's only based online, you don't want to market to people that don't have access to the internet.

Friday, March 15, 2013

 5 More ways to Income

The down economy has forced more people to find ways to make extra income. Unfortunately even finding part time jobs is tough to do. However one good thing is the Internet offers numerous ways to earn extra money from home.

Most of these do not require special education or training and almost anyone can learn how to do it. In this article we will talk about how to earn extra money from home quickly in various ways.

1. Join a network marketing opportunity. This is a great way to quickly earn money because you can retail products and make commissions on all of your sales.

Depending on the compensation plan of the network marketing company you can get paid very quickly for your sales. Some companies are now paying on a weekly basis for retail sales - MyWorldPlus is a great example of this.

2. Start your own business as an affiliate marketer. You can join affiliate marketing companies for free and it only takes a couple of minutes.

There are many examples of people making sales the same day they start. The nice thing about earning extra money from home this way is all of your products and marketing materials are given to you so you can get started right away.

3. Join instant affiliate commission programs. There are affiliate programs that now fund your PayPal account instantly when you make a sale.

This means you do not have to wait to receive your money. Information products work extremely well for these instant commission programs. 20 Ways To Make $100 A Day is a product I have a lot of success with. You do however have to purchase the product first for $27, but then you are eligible to sell the ebook yourself and when you make a sale your PayPal account is credited immediately.

4. Start you own blog. This can be a lot of fun as well as a great way to earn some extra money and do it right from the comfort of your own home.

You can sell affiliate products on your blog which is a fast way to make money. You can also join the Google Adsense program and get paid when people click on the ads provided by Google.

You may have seen blogs with Google ads on them. Making money this way requires you to build traffic to your blog, but it is an extremely easy way to earn extra money.

If you do not know how to get started then take a look at the Affiliate Power Group where you will get help every step of the way to earn an income online with Affiliate Marketing.

5. Write blog articles for other bloggers. There are millions of blogs that need content right now and the owners would pay you to write for them.

You can get paid upfront for the articles you will write. You are only limited by your ability to find customers and get the work done. However this can take off very quickly if you are a good writer.

These are a few ideas on how to earn extra money from home. The Internet offers many opportunities including these five.
Lets Smile

Smiling is infectious; you can catch it like the flu
When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too
I passed around a corner and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realised Iʼd passed it on to him
I though about that smile then realised itʼs worth
A single smile, just like mine could travel round the earth
So when you feel a smile begin donʼt leave it undetected
Letʼs start an epidemic quick and get the world infected!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

FREE 50 e-Book on the Power of thought The Power of Thought
All about offline advertising. A lot of online based businesses forget about offline advertising. It is important to combine offline and online advertising together in your marketing campaign.You can market offline more effectively by targeting people that actually have access to the internet. In all your advertising you want to include your web site address, e-mail or autoresponder addresses, and the e-mail address to subscribe to your e-zine.

Below are10 offline marketing ideas:

-Place classified or full page ads in print publications. The print publications should be computer or internet related.

-Post flyers in stores. They could be computer stores, software stores, libraries etc.

-Buy mailing lists and send direct mail. You should make sure that all the people on the mailing list are internet users.

-Buy commercial time on T.V. They can be during shows that are targeted toward internet users.

-Pass out your CD-ROM or diskette business cards atspecial events. It could be at trade shows, seminars, fairs, etc.

-Set up a deal with another business that targets internet users. Pay the business to insert your business ads in their product packages.

-Hold a free offline class and teach people how to use their computer or how to use the internet. You couldhave your web site on display as an example.

-Do co-op mailings with other businesses. They should also be targeting people with internet access.

-Give away free mouse pads. Put your advertising on the mouse pads and give them away at computer or internet events.

-Advertise in card decks. The card deck you advertise in should be targeted toward internet users.

You would also want to target your offline advertisingto groups of people that will actually be interested inyour product or service. If you're selling businessbooks, you will want to market to business owners. Inconclusion, if you have a business that's only based online, you don't want to market to people that don't have access to the interne

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Never Quit

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill
When the funds are low and the debts are high
And you want to smile but you have to sigh
When care is pressing you down a bit
Rest if you must, but don’t quit

Life is queer with its twists and turns
As everyone of us at sometimes learns
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won if he’d stuck it out
Don’t give up through the pace seems slow
You may succeed with another blow

Often the goal is nearer than it seems
To a faint and faltering man
Often the struggle has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup
When he learned too late when the night came
How close he was to the golden crown

Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit
It’s when things seem worse that you mustn’t quite


Saturday, March 2, 2013

 The Press Release

1. Your press release should sound like news, not an ad.

2. You should only send your press release to the media related to the topic of your press release.

3. Keep your press release one page in length.

4. Your header, contact information and releasedate should be at the top of your press release.

5. Use short sentences and double space your lines.

6. Your header and first few sentences should grab the readers attention.

7. You should tell a story and mention your business, product or service in the body of the press release.

8. Proofread your press release many times. Look for grammar and spelling mistakes.

9. Write a press release about the new products or services you're offering on your web site.

10. Create a press release about the results of an online survey or poll you have completed.

11. Submit a press release about a trade show or seminar you're hosting.

12. Write a press release about no cost chat room classes you are teaching.

13. Create a press release about your opening of a new web site.

14. Submit a press release about an online award your business or web site has won.

15. Write a press release about a free e-zine you' republishing.

16. Create a press release about online products or services you're giving away.

17. Submit a press release about an online business association or club you're starting.

18. Write a press release about a famous person that's endorsing your business.

19. Create a press release about a joint venture you are doing with another business.

20. Submit a press release about a new book or e-book you wrote.