Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas is coming

Don't Stop! It Is Not Over Yet!

"Merry Christmas!" As soon as you hear those words something interesting
happens in our brains...we think the year is over! When December arrives
people typically change their focus from pursuing their business goals
to pursuing their holiday plans.

Studies show that most people slow their work in December because they
believe once you hit the last month of the year, the year is over and
done - no more real business can be accomplished! WRONG!

A major percentage your income can be earnt in December, it is not time
to slow down, but rather a time to finish strong! For me this December
is a busy month, whilst waiting for my book to come back from my proof
reading friend I’m busy building my list and learning how to use the
piece of software that will turn my book into an ebook, plus all the
family things we all have to do and would rather not do.

I know December is an interesting month. We have time off to celebrate
Christmas, with friends and family, however, it is not the time to stop
thinking and working on your success! I’m encouraging you to pull out
your goal list for 2011 and read your goals again, I hope you all have
a goal list if not it time to put pen to paper and start your goal list

I want you to review your goals (again); look at what you've achieved;
and what you have yet to accomplish. Then take each individual remaining
goal and ask yourself what three (3) things can you do to move closer
to the goal in the next few weeks. Next, I want you to decide on a
reward or incentive to push you to hit those goals. Then go to work!
Push forward and make the rest of this year the best of the year!
So don't stop now because the year is not over!

So friends, go the extra mile now, then you can enjoy your Christmas
and your Holidays with a bigger smile on your face.

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